vogue lace dress

Seasons Bring On Lots of Change

vogue lace dress

This is one of those dresses that is exactly me. It has all the characteristics that I am drawn to in a garment. A navy and white palette…in pretty lace that is not only lace but a striped lace….it’s a fit and flare style…it’s sleeveless and in a lady like length….all my favorite things in one dress!

vogue lace dress

The pattern is V1425. Which is now out of print….I don’t know why I always wait so long to make a pattern. Anyway…if you have this one in your stash, well…it’s a good one. Here is the description from the website…

Lined dress is sleeveless and has close-fitting, interfaced bodice, underlined, pleated skirt with horsehair on hemline, overbodice, overskirt, and invisible back zipper. Overbodice and overskirt: Cut on crosswise grain.

I followed the pattern as written…except…you know there is going to be an exception… I didn’t interface the bodice. I used a cotton sateen that I lined with Bemberg and I didn’t feel as though it required the extra layer.

vogue lace dress

The striped lace gave me a bit of trouble…and its placement is not near perfect. When I wear this dress, I usually wear a navy belt so it isn’t so noticeable but it still bugs me.  I am however, very pleased with the pattern matching along the invisible zipper….I’ll take that as a win.

The hem has horsehair in it and I always love the body it gives to a skirt or dress.

vogue lace dress

Now that summer has come to an end I’ve gone back to review what I’ve made and worn… and as I look back, I can really see my style aesthetic as a whole. I tend to gravitate towards a fresh palette…some color with white added to the outfit seems to be my go-to for summer. I also love feminine details like ruffles and lace. And then there is my undying devotion to stripes….

I’ve added a gallery of some…but not all of my summer makes.  (You can click on the picture to see the original post.)

https://creatinginthegap.ca/2017/07/baby-powder-blue/blue striped jumpsuitNautical Maxi dress

pink and white pleated dressfloral silk cotton dressfloral black trimmed dress

colbalt blue dress

I’ve moved on to fall sewing albeit…slowly. This season has brought more that just a change in wardrobe….if you follow me on Instagram, you may already know about my big news….I’ve quit my job and I’ve gone back to school! I’m going to HDC…Hair Design Center in Halifax and I love it! It’s something that I have secretly wanted to do for quite some time and now was the time to go for it.

My sewing time has deceased dramatically but I am still getting some in….sewing will always be my first love so I’ll never stop. Just pause for a bit.

I say that out loud so that I will take the pressure off of myself and then when I get the time to sew, I will see it as a bonus and enjoy it all the more! Which seems to be working because I have managed to make quite a few things since starting school. Mostly black garments for school but hey, it’s still sewing!!

If you are interested…I have started another Instagram for my journey at school. You can follow me @hairdesignbymargo



  • What a beautiful collection and congrats on your decision to go back to school and chase your dream! Wishing you all the luck on your journey. I am also at a crossroads so to speak in my career and know that it takes a leap of courage to go forward, hope its a joy and adventure!

  • It’s so nice to see your beautiful projects all gathered together! You really do a have a strong aesthetic.

  • Congratulations on going to Hair School. It’s nice to follow our dreams!

    The dress is so beautiful and soooooo you! It was also nice to see a collage of your summer garments too! You accomplished a lot this summer!

    • Thanks Carolyn! It was a leap of faith that has proven to be a good one…I’m having fun and enjoying it. It is a lot of work though! I am very blessed to have such a supportive family who believe in me. Two of these garments were made in the winter…but then again…I made some fall garments this summer as well so I guess it all evens out.

  • What a beautiful dress. Reminds me of a dress from La La Land. One of the two that I loved than never made it to the press photos.
    Congrats on moving forward on the career change. I did it awhile back and it is so worth the leap.

  • Hi Margot,

    Congrats on the career move! A cousin of mine recently did the same thing after years in another field, and is happy he made the switch.

    Your photos are always so well done – kudos to your daughter and her camera (I think you said that she takes a lot of your photos? Correct me if I’m wrong!).

    Just one question: where do you take your photos? I’m from Halifax, but I don’t recognize this waterfrontage. Is it in Bedford? It looks like a gorgeous spot, wherever it is!


    • Thank you Vicki! Yes, my daughter takes my pics for me. I am so lucky.This summer, we have been taking them on the Bedford waterfront because it is closer to where my daughter lives…. it is a beautiful spot, especially on a sunny day.

  • The dress is perfect on you! You look prettier in it than the lady on the pattern!
    I love this style as well, and will make lots of other dress styles – who knows why – then I always come back to the fit and flare.
    Keep up the good work. I enjoy following your blog.

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