Oh my gosh that was fast!! MMM is all over and my last week wasn’t very well documented. It’s not that I didn’t wear me mades, I just didn’t get pictures because I went on an awesome trip with my sister to visit our brother in Manitoba! I didn’t want to disrupt the flow of our visit for outfit pictures. I can say that I did wear me mades everyday but I don’t remember exactly what I wore each day.
A few of my favorites… |
With MMM now finished, I have been thinking about my wardrobe a bit. What is missing and what I would like to make. I have also been thinking about why I like to sew and what I like to sew the most.
Here are a few thoughts…
I don’t like to sew staple pieces. I may as well face it…I don’t even like to wear staple pieces let alone make them. Staple pieces to me would be plain tees and black pants etc…I can buy a nice pair of black pants, jeans or plain t-shirts and I can usually get good quality ones at my favorite thrift shop. I get bored easily and if I’m going to make a pair of pants, I kinda want them to be something I haven’t seen or I can’t get. I love the freedom to be creative and make something fun even if it’s not very practical in my wardrobe.
Dolly Clackett…. you rock!
I need a break from rules. This has been something I have been thinking about a lot lately. It is probably just a phase but I don’t really want to make any pledges at the moment. I was about to embark on a stash busting challenge of epic proportions when husband stopped me. He asked me why I would do that to myself…why would I impose a lot of rules on my hobby? Point taken…thank you husband. Don’t get me wrong…. I like a challenge and at times it can be good to put deadlines on myself to be more productive with my sewing projects. However, right now I just need to sew for pleasure. No time lines, no rules. The rest of my life is full of deadlines and rules, my hobby doesn’t need any right now. Sew what I want, when I want to. New rule… right there people. Bam.
I need to care less about what others think. This isn’t at all directed at my lovely friends in the blog world but more at my everyday life and those I see everyday. I sometimes don’t wear a me made garment because I may feel too conspicuous or “over dressed” but if I feel great in a dress that I have made… I should wear it regardless. Right? I also hold back from sharing that I made a garment unless I am specifically asked where I got it. When someone compliments me on my self made dress, I just respond with a “Thanks!”. Unless of course husband is with me and he blurts out, “She made it!”, to which I inwardly cringe and outwardly blush. Ugh. How do I get over that?
I’m okay with not having an entirely me made wardrobe. I admire those who can do this and love it. I really think it’s amazing!! For me to do this, I would have to sew staples, which goes back to my previous mention that I don’t like to sew staples. At least not at this moment… ( don’t hold me firm to these claims…I can be a flighty gal ) I also have some really great RTW pieces in my wardrobe that I love to wear. My favorites are usually thrifted, which makes them even better.
There you have it, a few thoughts I have had during the MMM’14 challenge. I loved seeing every one’s makes and I’m sorry to say that I didn’t have near the time I would have liked to comment on every one’s pics.
I completely agree with you! I have no political ideals against RTW and am happy to just sew what I want as well as buy whatever RTW that I want, no rules for me either! Yay us!
This is such a creative hobby, I don't want to make blue jeans or black leggings either! Bring on the fabulous prints!
It's interesting to read your thoughts after MMM. I am a plain dresser by and large (maybe I should experiment more!) and sew pieces that reflect that, but I love to see others floral dresses. I agree you should wear them whenever you like, if they suit your style it doesn't matter what everyone else is wearing. I am sure many people look at you with envy!
I would love to have a complete me made closet but I just don't think it's going to be possible for me. There is just not enough time in the world and like you said I've realized I hate sewing staples. I made a navy blue Kelly skirt and I haven't even found the want to to blog about it. I think because I just find it to be boring. I'm a print girl for sure and I want to sew more fun, quirky stuff. I've read a couple posts like yours recently and they've got me to thinking…. If I don't find enjoyment in making basic staple pieces why would I force myself? Instead make something I really enjoy. And if I don't want to buy RTW then thrifting is definitely a great option! Thank you for the epiphany! Why do we find the need to put rules and restrictions on the things we love!? Eating junk food is another good example! 😉
I loved seeing all your outfits during May, totally inspiring! And I'm with you on the basics, life's too short
Oh goodness, I feel like I could of written this post Margo! We have such similar viewpoints! Now point number two….I'm glad you wrote that out!!! I need to copy and paste it to my forehead. Just between the two of us…I kinda think I've been creating *for the blog* {blush} more than for my love of sewing. Your hubby is smart, and I, for one, am listening. Now, on the subject of t-shirts, I am going to give it a whirl…sewing them instead of buying them. The trick will be whether or not I can get quality fabric in the prints and colours I love so much!
And! I'm happy to read that you were away on holiday the last week of MMM. I really missed seeing you on Flickr those final days!
You should totally wear your me-mades with pride, you have such great taste! When someone compliments you on your outfit, just be like "yeah, I made this, no big deal" and then go behind the corner and make a little happy dance 😀
I'm sure this whole blogging thing can get overwhelming, and it's easy to get sucked in. I mean, we actually have to make a whole garment (well, not necessarily, but you get my point) for every blogpost. It's not like we are just documenting our daily life. I haven't participated in any challenges yet, and can't wait to do it, but I think the key here is to pick and choose. Only take part in those that feel like "you", the challenges that make you think "hey, I was going to make that anyway, this is just the kick I needed".
I agree with Nilla. Your me-mades are so beautiful! I love following your posts 😀
I totally agree with all your points. While I love sewing and wearing my handmade clothes, I really don't like sewing "basics" and I have absolutely no desire to have a completely handmade wardrobe.
Like you, I admire those that do, but its not for me.
Agree! Specially about the rules! no deadlines no pressure!
I wholeheartedly agree :). You have a wonderful me made wardrobe as is, and I think you should enjoy it without feeling pressure to sew or wear boring stuff. Personally I don't want to impose any arbitrary rules on my hobby, I don't want to be ashamed of my beautiful stash (though storage is a battle…), and I want to be able to sew and dress as my heart desires (which is not usually basics). I still buy rtw and I thrift too – there is no way I'd ever have time to make everything, let alone to the standard I like ! Hear hear 🙂
Your Me-made-May makes were great and I agree with you about staples, especially black ones!
I read this post when you first published and I've been thinking alot about your conclusions. Your husband's comment stuck with me "Why would you impose rules on your hobby?" He is right, why should we? I'm currently doing a sewing/environmental challenge (starting out with a sewing focus, but the participants have shifted it more to environmental aspects) and now I find that I can't buy and make all the pretty projects I want to make because I might need something else later this year (we were given a certain amounts of points to spend on fabrics, yarn and RTW clothing). I will complete the challenge, but then I'm seriously considering imposing your rule: sew what I want when I want!
I am the same way about not liking to sew staple pieces, really glad to know I'm not alone in that because sometimes I get frustrated with myself because it's super annoying when you make something only to have it be "out of style" a month later. ha or maybe that's just me 🙂 It definitely happens to me way too frequently though.
I loove the caring less about what other people think thing too. And the breaking the rules thing- you are full of wisdom Margo! haha seriously, good things to remember. It's true, hobbies should be fun! There are already enough deadlines in life. Easier said than done though of course, especially in the blog world I feel like because it's oh so easy to get swept up in all the competitions/challenges/sewalongs. So a much needed reminder for me, thanks Margo 🙂