Me Made May 2013 has come to an end. I’m not sure how to get dressed anymore. I’m still reaching for my me mades, forgetting that I can wear my RTW clothes now. Strange as it was to start the month wearing self made clothes daily…now the opposite holds true. Not wearing them now feels strange.
My experience this month was rewarding, fun, inspiring, challenging and uplifting. I met so many other fabulous women who share my same passion for sewing. In my daily life, I don’t think I know anyone who sews much at all, let alone their own clothing, making this challenge so meaningful to me. It was heartwarming to witness and be part and party to women of all ages encouraging each other!
I woke up everyday thinking about these lovely ladies, looking forward to seeing what they had made and would be wearing that day. I would steal time here and there during my day to log on to the Flickr group to swoon over all the lovely creations, leaving comments and then logging off wishing I had more time view everyone’s photo. There was never enough time.
I succeeded in my personal challenge with only a couple of repeats and still have self made garments that didn’t get worn…Another part of the challenge for myself personally was to blog EVERY DAY for the month as well. Yikes!! I’m pleased to say, I did it! The blog may have been a bit overwhelmed by the challenge content but for me personally it was a good way to establish some more consistency in blogging and gain some much needed confidence as well.
I am so grateful for the experience, to Zoe, the mastermind behind the challenge and to the women who encouraged me and inspired me everyday! You ladies are the best!
The following outfits are my favorites of the month:
Day 22 |
Day 25 |
Day 16 |
Day 8 |
Day 5 |
Day 31 |
It’s not hard to tell that I love color!
Hi Margo, you made so many beautiful garments. My favorites are your skirt from day 8 and your dress from day 31.
I am looking forward to see you next year on MMM.
All the best ~ Velvet Ribbon
Thanks so much Hana!
I am most envious of your wardrobe, your me-made are beautiful and you seem to have the most amazing thrift store.
Congrats on meeting your challenge.
Thank you Heather! I love a great thrift store
Hi Margo,
I'm so glad to have discovered your blog through MMM and have loved seeing all your creations. Like you I looked forward to seeing the Flickr pool every morning and thought about MMM all the time! It's been such good fun and such a confidence booster – both in sewing terms and general terms.
I am so crazy about your day 25 outfit, I definitely need a bright pink skirt in my wardrobe!
Thank you so much Kathryn, I vote pink skirts for everyone! 😉
I enjoyed seeing your lovely outfits everyday! Somehow I missed the pink skirt, it's fabulous.
Thank you so much Marrie!
Love that skirt from day 22, I must make one of those.
I did always look for your bright and always cheerful pics, please keep it up here.
You photographer does a fabulous job to, give him a big kiss for all of us.